At My Place, teaching math concepts is a core principle of our education. Math concepts surround children every day, and children are naturally drawn to them. They’ll learn skills for kindergarten readiness and elementary prep, including: intentionality, problem-solving, critical thinking, reasoning, collaboration, and cause and effect.
Pattern recognition, pattern creation, shapes, and sizes are all concepts that form the building blocks of math. Here are 20 fun math activities you can do with your child to help them build on these concepts.
Sing songs that involve numbers
Ask your child for help with measuring ingredients while cooking
While playing, ask your child to arrange their stuffed animals by size
Measure soil for seeds while gardening
Create play money for your child in simple denominations and use them while playing
Offer different sizes of measuring cups in a sensory bin for your child to experiment with
Have a simple shape-focused scavenger hunt
Arrange colored blocks by shape
Arrange colored blocks in repeatable patterns
Sing clapping songs such as Patty Cake
Ask your child to help you sort differently-sized plates and cups while putting away the dishes
Draw different numbers and shapes and ask your child to color them in
Have your child draw their own numbers and shapes
Sort differently-colored cars with the help of sidewalk chalk
Measure the height of a tree using a pencil and measuring tape
Opportunities for your child to learn math skills are all around them. These 20 math activities will help your child have fun while learning, and help with elementary prep and kindergarten readiness.